Data Collectors
Bring in all the metering information you need with ease

R900® Gateway
Neptune’s easy-to-use, flexible R900® System gateway fixed network data collector gathers metering data as well as daily leak, reverse flow, and days of no flow alerts from all E-CODER®-equipped meters.

LoRaWAN® Gateway
Quickly deploy and operate your own Smart Water AMI network with a LoRaWAN® gateway that leverages the Neptune R900® System to easily view metering data.

Mobile Data Collector
Neptune’s mobile data collector is a rugged, portable, easy-to-use automatic water meter reading device small enough to fit in any vehicle. It improves accuracy, increases reader safety, and reduces reading time.

Belt Clip Transceiver (BCT)
As part of the Neptune R900® System, the belt clip transceiver’s two-way communications to R900® endpoints eliminate meter access issues and speed up reads and retrieval of valuable consumption activity information.

NGO™ App
Simplify meter data collection and turn it into actionable information with the NGO™ app for Android™ phone or tablet. NGO provides on-the-spot field analysis and presentment capabilities.

Pocket ProReader
Neptune’s compact Pocket ProReader RF allows meter readers to test new installations, obtain remote receptacle readings and meter identification numbers faster and more efficiently.

Field Programmer
Neptune’s self-contained, portable Field Programmer unit enables “in-the-field” programming of ProRead™ encoder registers and R900®G endpoints without the need to remove a register.

Bluetooth Field Programming Mouse
Simplify field programming using your own tablet or smartphone with the Neptune Bluetooth Field Programming Mouse™. Reprogram ID numbers and dial codes, or change Neptune register formats with ease.